You know a lot of opinion and verbiage has been cast about about remarriage being sinful. Well boys and girls let us look to the real sin and the real problem.
Here is the real problem: people sin.
Now that is not mind boggling or all that enlightening. Each of us knows this simple truth. But what needs to be emphasized more than anything else is that people continue to sin every day in many ways. And what is really evident from this thread and from the "thou canst remarry" crowd is this: they commit a grievous sin of false teaching.
Yes, when you lay out the claim that Jesus does not allow second marriage in the case if Biblical divorce, you are spreading a lie about Christ. Christ never said it, never meant it, and in fact acknowledged and laid out the case of Biblical divorce. So before you go about telling someone else they cannot remarry simply because they are divorced, you should stop, drop, and pray. Remove that giant redwood log from your eye and think to yourself "maybe I don't know the situation" and even better think "what is the loving thing to do in Christ's name".
You see, people are not robots, they are not drones, and they are not minions of God. We are children of God. We ARE seated in the heavenly places right now. This is not some future event (check it out for yourself). We are children of God and we are loved by our heavenly Father. And as such, He blesses us with many spiritual blessings and many physical blessings.
So then to tell someone that their second marriage is a sin, even though it was put together by God, ordained by God, presided over by God and His representatives on Earth, and affirmed in more ways than your tiny brain can even conceive that our loving Father chooses to bless us, is even more sinful. In fact, it is blasphemy.
I am so tired of the same identical debate which has been put forth time and time again and which we as a collective group have debunked many times over. So then here it is again. There are scripturally valid reasons for divorce, and in so doing, their are scripturally valid later marriages. I would even say that a truly repentant sinner is free to marry again as well.
The legalism that preaches a false doctrine that repentant sinners cannot marry again is a lie and sinful. And in fact, downright damaging to families. Especially when it is preached to people with perfectly normal healthy families and it causes them to fall into sin and divorce to satisfy the Pharisee's legalism.
If you want to be pro-family and pro-God, then you will support the families that have struggled out of horrible divorces and found peace in Christ in a new family under a second (or even later marriage). Anything less than that and you are simply working in the service of the minions of those in this world that seek to dishonor God.
I am neuronstatic. I was divorced on scriptural grounds. I am married again in the presence and power of God. I was married by a minister who himself was divorced previously and is married now. I am at peace and I am focused on God to build a new combined family from the remnants of 2 seriously hurting families.
In other words, I am doing the will of God. How about you?
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